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How to Prepare For Your PN Clinicals

Nurses chatting in hospital hallway

Practical nursing (PN) clinicals are an opportunity to put your nursing knowledge to the test. You’ll be getting hands-on experience for a hands-on job and proving you know the material. But it’s important to prepare with more than just studying.

Follow these 3 tips from Prism Career Institute so you can approach your PN clinical test with the utmost confidence.

  1. Read, Research & Study
  2. Get Yourself Physically In Shape
  3. Never Underestimate A Friend
  4. Begin Your Training

Read, Research, and Study

When it comes to studying, you can treat your clinicals like any other test. In addition to understanding the tasks assigned, you’ll also be expected to answer questions from doctors and older nurses to test your knowledge. Therefore, it helps to have the material memorized. Study what you’ve learned and make sure you can recall information quickly so you don’t find yourself caught off-guard.

Also, don’t just study your class notes. Take the time to find out what your rotation will involve. Find out about the patients you’ll work with, their diagnoses and needs, and the tasks that will be required of you. Knowing what to expect will help you tackle the challenges with confidence. Not only that, but it’ll demonstrate your ability to think ahead and be proactive – qualities that are valuable in nurses and will impress your instructor.

Get Yourself Physically In Shape

You should also prepare yourself physically. Healthcare work is incredibly fast-paced and demanding, and the same is true of your clinical practicum. You’ll be on your feet constantly and might have to move quickly from place to place, and you’ll still be expected to focus on questions and tasks. If you’re not physically fit, you’ll find yourself falling behind. Prepare yourself by exercising and increasing your stamina so you can confidently keep up with the class.

Shaping up isn’t all about exercise, though. No matter how much stamina you have, your body still needs enough energy to carry it through the day. Make sure to get plenty of rest before the clinicals. Drink lots of water, eat healthy meals, and do some morning stretches to dispel brain fog. By starting these healthy habits early, you’ll set yourself up for success on the clinic floor.

Don’t Underestimate A Friend

Friends in your clinical group provide social, emotional, and mental support, helping you to push through the toughest days. They also have their own knowledge and experience. A friend can help you when you get stuck, provide insight on a problem, or share the load when an unexpected challenge appears. But be sure to steer clear of workplace drama and politics, and only confide in colleagues you can trust.

Begin Your PN Training

If you properly prepare for your PN clinical test, you’ll be set for success both in the clinical and in your career beyond. Start pursuing your future as a PN by enrolling in Prism Career Institute’s practical nursing program at our locations in West Atlantic City and Cherry Hill, New Jersey, and Philadelphia, Pennsylvania. Our curriculum covers what you need to know to ace your clinicals and begin your new profession. To learn more, contact us today.