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Three young women celebrating their graduation with diplomas


You’ve worked hard to make it to graduation, and you should be proud of yourself.

The team here at Prism Career Institute works hard to make your campus a great place for students to learn and develop themselves as future professionals. It is through feedback from graduates like you that we make improvements that benefit future students. Your feedback also helps those future students decide if Prism is the right school for them.

Help us inspire future students and ensure they have an excellent campus experience. Give us a rating using the box below. Click once on the star rating you wish to give us.

How much would you recommend Prism Career Institute to others?

Thank you for rating the school!

You can help future students by taking a minute to leave a review on Google and Facebook. Here’s how:

  1. Click the Post Review buttons to go to the Google and Facebook review pages.
  2. On the Google & Facebook review pages: rate the school, and write a couple of sentences about your experience and why others should attend Prism Career Institute.
  3. Hit Post. You’re done, and you’ve given back to Prism in an impactful way!

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